Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning is a deep cleaning process that combines the use of chemicals and a high-pressure blast of hot water and steam to remove embedded dirt and grime from many different materials and surfaces.
While the process of steam cleaning is usually thought to be for cleaning carpeting only, the same process can also be employed to clean tile, concrete, wood decks and various other surfaces.
Various types of steam cleaning tools and techniques can be used for the task of cleaning with steam, depending on the specific application.
The cleaning temperature of the pressurized water can be adjusted from luke warm to over 300 degrees if neccesary.
The cleaning pressure of the heated water can be regulated from a few pounds per square inch (PSI) to a several thousand (PSI) if neccesary.
Some of the many benefits of using super heated water to clean and sanitize are unmatched by any other type of cleaning methods, for example:
The abilty to break down oily soils and suspend contaminents with powerful water pressure and high heat.
The natural sterilization of surfaces from the high temperature generated by professional steam cleaning equipment will kill bacteria and infections on contact.
A large amount of the heated water that is used while cleaning is steam and it actually evaporates immediately and the carpet or surface dries faster.
We invite you to give us a call today, so we can effectively clean, sanitize and disenfect all the areas of concern you might have with the awesome power and natural cleaning ability of steam.
"Call Us First, You'll Be Glad You Did!"
Tony's Steam King Carpet Cleaning Santa Barbara CA 93109